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BPM Dance Academy

street dance school for children [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Luke or Kat 07834785740 | 07745931325 or email info@bpmdanceacademy.co.uk Website Click here


2nd Cuckfield Tuesdays 6-7.30pm; 3rd Cuckfield Mondays 6-7.30pm at The Old School [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Catherine Snashall 01444 454712 Website Click here

CBC Blast at Cuckfield Baptist Church

CBC Blast is an after school club that will start in September on Wednesday afternoons for Reception - Year 2 aged children from 3:30 to 4:30 pm

Contact:  Vicky Cockram on cuckfieldbaptistchurch@gmail.com 

Codanza Dance for children

Tap, Modern & Ballet [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Caroline (01444) 415296 or email codanza@sky.com Website Click here

Cuckfield Beavers, Cubs & Scouts

Be Prepared! [show/hide detail]

Cuckfield Woodcraft Folk

Cuckfield Woodcraft Folk held in Holy Tinity Primary School's Grounds [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Sooz on 01444 473 493 Website Click here

InSpire Youth Club at Holy Trinity Church

meets on Friday evenings in The Old School. 6:30-8:30pm for Years 5-7 and 7:30-9:30pm for Years 8+ [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Lisa on tudor_fan@hotmail.com or Robyn on rmb260@hotmail.com Website Click here

Music Bus

fun and lively music, singing and movement classes for babies and young children providing an early introduction into music. [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Tessa on 01293 881016 or email tessa@musicbus.com Website Click here

SMASH Activity Club

Smash offers a variety of activity programmes to suit the individual. Activities include sports, dance, drama, arts and crafts and woodland activities.  [show/hide detail]

Contact:  For registration contact Rebecca on rharman2406@gmail.com Or 07828979403 Website Click here

Tinkerbells Music Group

pre-school music class for children aged 6months to 4years old  [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Sarah Winckless 07740 177791 or email magic@tinkerbells.org Website Click here

Tiny Soccer Stars

Pre-school football program  [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Fiona tel 07974 712046 or email fiona@tinysoccerstars.co.uk Website Click here