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Cuckfield Society

The Cuckfield Society logo.

Patron: Sir Richard Kleinwort

President: Stephen Cockburn

Vice President: Nick Rowe

The Cuckfield Society is a charity which was formed in 1963 with the intention of helping to preserve and enhance the essential atmosphere of the very special parish of Cuckfield and the surrounding countryside. We also seek to improve, in every way possible, the appearance of the village and our amenities.

This doesn't mean to say that we're hung up on the past, although Cuckfield does have an extraordinary number of listed buildings which the current owners take great care of, but we are keen to ensure that new development complements, rather than detracts from the village ambience.

Our Constitution requires us to promote appreciation of our beautiful village and to encourage the support and collaboration of others in the preservation and sympathetic growth of our community. There is nothing in our Constitution to say that we can't have fun while promoting and caring for our village!

Our goal is to stimulate public awareness of issues affecting Cuckfield and to encourage a strong feeling of community within our residents and to achieve this we hold meetings, exhibitions and presentations as well as issuing quarterly newsletters and promoting local charitable schemes.

Membership of the Society is open to anyone who supports our objectives and costs only £10 per year. Click here to download our membership application form.

Registered charity number: 249110.