The purpose of Cuckfield Village Design Statement is to help guide change in ways that will enhance, rather than detract from, the quality of life in the village and its environment. Although it particularly emphasises design, it is also concerned with social and economic well-being.
The aim is to have the Cuckfield Village Design Statement approved as Supplementary Planning Guidance to be used in conjunction with the local plan.
Unlike many other local initiatives, Village Design Statements are intended to influence the operation of the statutory planning system. They will provide a context for new development, based on local character and sense of place.
The purpose of Village Design Statements is to manage change, whether that change is major new development or just cumulative, small-scale additions and alterations. They are not about whether development should take place; that is a job for the local plan. Their concern is about how planned development should be carried out, so that it is in harmony with its setting and contributes to the conservation and, where possible, enhancement, of the local environment.
The edited version of the draft copy of the Village Design Statement has been sent to Mid Sussex District Council to review the policy content. The consultation is now on hold until the Neighbourhood Plan Process has been completed.