01444 450271 info@barkersgarage.com Website click here
Open Monday to Friday 8.30–5.30pm
Saturday 8.30–12.30pm
Norman Wood
01444 452510 brookstreetgarage@bt.connect.com
Cuckfield Accident Repairs offer professional car body repairs using a lowbake oven and cassis jig. We can fix almost anything including dents, scratches and broken bumpers.
Our work covers Haywards Heath, Crawley and areas within a 10 mile radius.
We will undertake work on any kind of car or light commercial vehicle, offering a professional service from start to finish. Our commitment to personal one-to-one service and excellent workmanship set us apart from other garages in the area.
0845 347 3065 or 01444 458 700 or 07850 495 345 Website click here
Motor sales.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 08:30 – 18:00
Saturday 08:30 – 17:00
Sunday 10:00 – 16:00
Paul Roberts
01444 414129 sales@cmc-cars.co.uk Website click here
Petrol station & shop.
01444 458585
Call the AA for a reduced rate lesson 0800 60 70 80 or visit theAA.com
Ian Nicolson
01444 459098 or 07771 767987 iannick52@yahoo.co.uk
01444 458102