We are a group for pre-school children that welcomes new parents, carers and their children aged 0-3 years old.
Cuckoos provides a happy and safe environment for your child to:
- play, perhaps with different toys from those at home
- explore, discover and learn
- develop good social skills
- spend time with you
- make a mess occasionally!
Cuckoos gives parents and carers a chance to:
- get to know other adults in similar situations
- share and learn from experiences
- play with your child without the distractions of home
- enjoy playing with the toys!
Cuckoos aims to ensure the safe and happy running of the group. We ask you to:
- be responsible for the safety and behaviour of your child at all times
- wherever possible help with setting up and tidying up afterwards - everyone helps!
- help your child to join in with the singing!
Opening Times
10:00 to 11:30 every Monday and Thursday in school terms
in the Tudor Hall, The Old School, Cuckfield.
Enquiries to:
- Chairperson: – Ros Thunder – (01444) 417103
- Treasurer: – Jen Plenty – (01444) 450171
Read the May 2011 newsletter.