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We are a group for pre-school children that welcomes new parents, carers and their children aged 0-3 years old.


Cuckfield Pre-School Playgroup

Cuckfield Village Hall, London Lane, Cuckfield, West Sussex RH17 5BD.
Tel 01444 450438 or 01444 495795.
Website: www.cuckfieldpreschool.co.uk

Next Step Nursery

Church Street West Sussex Haywards Heath RH17 5JZ.
Tel 01444 455233.
Website: www.nextstepnursery.com

Norto5 Kidz Academy

The Pavilion, South Street, Cuckfield RH17 5AB.
Tel 0845 004 5226 Option 4.
Website: www.norto5.com


Holy Trinity School

Glebe Road Haywards Heath West Sussex RH17 5BE.
Tel 01444 454295, Fax 01444 459318.

"At Holy Trinity School, working in partnership with parents is a high priority. We believe that this partnership is enriched when parents are well informed about all aspects of school life. Our website has been produced to inform and help you in what we hope will be a long and happy association with us. If there is anything else you wish to know, please do not hesitate to contact us. A school is a constantly developing place where fresh ideas and improvements are always welcome. Our website will therefore be updated regularly to accommodate those changes. If your child is due to join us shortly may we warmly welcome you to our school and assure you that we aim to help your child achieve his/her potential and become a happy, successful and considerate member of society."


Warden Park School

Broad Street Haywards Heath West Sussex RH17 5DP
Tel 01444 457881, Fax 01444 417024

"This is an ambitious, well-established 11-16 comprehensive school with an excellent reputation. Warden Park's maxim, The Best from All sums up our mission to encourage students to make the most of the many opportunities here."