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2009 Show Report


Best in section: Jim Turnbull (6 shallots)


  1. 6 Runner Beans - Jim Turnbull
  2. Longest runner bean – 1st prize only - Jim Turnbull
  3. 4 white potatoes - Jem Lee
  4. 4 coloured potatoes - Bridget Keates
  5. 3 parsnips - Gordon Peters
  6. 6 cherry tomatoes - Aoife Rice (age 9)
  7. 6 tomatoes (non cherry) - Peter Trump
  8. Most unusual selection of tomatoes (max 6) - Aoife Rice (age 9)
  9. Heaviest marrow – 1st prize only - Jo Roche
  10. 3 beetroot - Jenny Constable
  11. 3 chillies - Philip Herbert
  12. 5 onions from either seed or sets, under 250g (9oz) each - Jo Roche
  13. 3 onions from either seed or sets, over 250g (9oz) each - Jo Roche
  14. 6 shallots - Jim Turnbull
  15. A garlic plait - Jo Roche
  16. 3 leeks - Judy Cockburn
  17. Posy of mixed herbs judged for variety - Judy Cockburn
  18. Heaviest pumpkin – 1st prize only - Dominic Mamoany
  19. Salad selection (eg spring onion, lettuce with root, radish, cucumber, sweet pepper, beetroot) – minimum 4 items - Jem Lee
  20. 2 sweetcorn - Jo Roche
  21. 2 cucumbers - Jem Lee
  22. 3 Courgettes, not exceeding 15cm long - Aoife Rice (age 9)
  23. Unusual vegetable - Jo Roche
  24. Selection of 4 different vegetables of the same colour - Jem Lee
  25. Most amusing vegetable - Aoife Rice (age 9)


  1. 3 dessert Apples - Holy Trinity Gardening Club
  2. 3 cooking Apples - Rosemary Harding
  3. Plate of soft fruit (15-20 items) - Bridget Keates
  4. A plate of exotic fruit - Debbie Ware


  1. 3 Dahlia blooms - Cactus/semi cactus - Jim Turnbull
  2. 3 Dahlia blooms - pom pom/ball - Stephen Cockburn
  3. 3 Dahlia blooms - any other variety - Jo Roche
  4. 1 specimen Rose bloom - Roos Donders
  5. 3 sunflower stems - Robin Upton
  6. Mixed perennials – 6 stems, not shrubs (minimum 3 varieties) - Gordon Peters


Best in section: Belinda Campopiano (Ruby Wedding)

  1. Miniature floral arrangement not exceeding 10cm in any direction - Diane Stenning
  2. "From the hedgerow" (from the hedgerow or from your own or a neighbour’s garden). Max 45cm in any direction - Lin Wood
  3. "Ruby Wedding" – a table centre for a celebration party. Max 45cm in any direction - Belinda Campopiano
  4. Arrangement in a wine glass. Max 35cm in any direction - Diane Stenning
  5. "A wee dram" – for men only – an arrangement with a "scotch" theme. Max 45cm in any direction - Jonathon Harding


Best in section: Rosemary Harding (jar of fruit jelly)

  1. Jam filled swiss roll – 3 egg recipe - Jenny Constable
  2. An iced ginger cake - Tessa Boyer
  3. Your favourite flapjack (including recipe) - Wendy Jourdain
  4. 3 drop scones on a plate - Anna Burke (age 11)
  5. A boiled fruit cake – to recipe given in schedule - Stephanie Gilpin
  6. 3 refrigerator (unbaked) cake pieces on a plate - Pollie Boyle
  7. Pecan pie (open tart) using homemade pastry - Diane Stenning
  8. 5 piped Viennese biscuits - Jane Burke
  9. A homemade traditional bread loaf (oven cooked) - Eileen Keavey
  10. A jar of basil pesto - Wendy Jourdain
  11. 1 jar of chutney any recipe (labelled) - Jo Roche
  12. 1 jar of vegetable pickle (labelled) - Julie Roberts
  13. 1 jar jam (labelled) - Carolyn McIlvride
  14. 1 jar fruit jelly (labelled) - Rosemary Harding
  15. 1 jar marmalade any flavour (labelled) - Jane Burke
  16. 1 bottle homemade lemonade (labelled) - Susan Fisher


Best in section: Judy Cockburn (any other knitted item ~ a knitted farm)

  1. Counted cross stitch or embroidery item no bigger than 60cm - Diane Stenning
  2. A lavender bag - Deb Bennet
  3. A knitted jumper or cardigan (child or adult) - Barbara Hopkinson
  4. Any other knitted item - Judy Cockburn
  5. Item in any other medium, no bigger than 75cm - Mary Panayides


Best in section: Andy Burton (my favourite tree)

ART – maximum size (including frame) 60cm, framed or unframed

  1. Portrait – any medium - Amanda Smith
  2. An abstract design – any medium - Kira Harkin
  3. Landscape – any medium - Lin Wood
  4. Still life - any medium - John Walkley

PHOTOGRAPHY – unmounted, maximum size 20cm.  Black & White or colour unless specified.  Printed on photographic paper.  Not digitally enhanced unless specified.

  1. "My favourite tree"- Andy Burton
  2. "Britain’s Built Heritage"- Zoe Harlow
  3. "The Ugly Bug Ball"- Janet Bushby
  4. "Party Time"- Lin Wood
  5. "Panorama" maximum size 35cm (can be digitally stitched) - Zoe Harlow

JUNIOR (2 age bands for each class: 5–8 & 9-12)

Best in section: Aoife Rice age 9


  1. Seaside on a plate (maximum 25cm diameter) - Alfred Carrington (age 8) & Harry Symes (age 10)


  1. 6 pieces of fudge - Alice Burke (age 12)
  2. 2 decorated gingerbread people - Tom Burke (age 8)
  3. An animal made from sweets or biscuits (maximum 15cm in any direction) - Julie Donders (age 8)


  1. A vehicle made from the contents of your recycling bin (maximum size 45cm in any direction - Lorcan Rice (age 4) & Aoife Rice (age 9)
  2. A decorated rubber glove (stuffed to maintain shape) - Kate Robinson (age 8) & Amy Tahourdin (age 10)
  3. Painting (maximum size A4) - Sophie Miller (age 11) & Emily Church (age 7)
  4. An autumn Collage (maximum size A4) - Freya Gaskell (age 7) & Jane Burnell (age 12)

PHOTOGRAPHY (see adult categories for conditions)

  1. "My family"- Thomas Hagan (age 6) & Katy Jacques (age 9)
  2. "Water"- Freya Gaskell (age 7) & Tom Burnell (age 10)
  3. "Animal Magic"- Harriet Pringle (age 5) & Sebastian Moore (age 10)


  1. A decorated crown - Phoebe Whiting (age 3)
  2. A paper plate of "food" using any non-edible materials - Ella Boyle (age 3)