2012 Show Report
Saturday 15 September 2012
Best in show: David Forth
Best in section (adults): Rebecca Panayides, Selection of Tomatoes
Best in section (junior): Holy Trinity Gardening Club
- 6 Runner Beans - Jim Turnbull
- Longest runner bean - Jim Turnbull
- 6 French beans- Jim Turnbull
- 4 white potatoes - Phil Alsford
- 4 coloured potatoes - Gordon Peters
- Heaviest pumpkin - Flinn Herbert
- A pumpkin or squash not exceeding 35cm in size - Rosemary Harding
- 6 cherry tomatoes, red - Lesley Horne
- 6 cherry tomatoes, non red - Gordon Peters
- 6 tomatoes (non cherry) - Rosemary Harding
- Most unusual selection of tomatoes (max 6) - Rebecca Panayides
- Heaviest marrow &ndash - Jem Lee
- 3 beetroot - Dee Feeny
- 3 chillies - Philip Herbert
- 5 onions from either seed or sets, under 250g (9oz) each - David Forth
- 3 onions from either seed or sets, over 250g (9oz) each - Jim Turnbull
- 6 shallots - Phil Alsford
- A garlic plait Lesley Horne
- 3 leeks - no entries
- Posy of mixed herbs judged for variety - Holy Trinity Gardening Club
- Selection of Homegrown Veg - Bridget Keates
- 2 sweetcorn - David Forth
- 2 cucumbers - Terry Boyer
- 3 Courgettes - David Forth
- Unusual vegetable - Bridget Keates
- Selection of 4 different vegetables of the same colour - Judith Broome
- Most amusing vegetable - Piers Harrison
- 3 dessert Apples - Stephen Cockburn
- 3 cooking Apples - no entries
- 5 plums - no entries
- Plate of soft fruit - Jane Harrison
- A plate of exotic fruit - Jonathon Harding
- 3 Dahlia blooms - Cactus/semi cactus - Tessa Boyer
- 3 Dahlia blooms - pom pom/ball - Tessa Boyer
- 3 Dahlia blooms - any other variety - Jane Burke
- The single most fragrant rose - Bridget Keates
- Largest sunflower head - Barbara Hopkinson
- Mixed perennials – 6 stems, not shrubs (minimum 3 varieties) - Mary Crouch
Best in section: Belinda Campopiano
- Miniature floral arrangement - Sue Cutmore
- A Table Centrepiece - Belinda Campopiano
- London 2012 - Belinda Campopiano and Margaret Harrison
- 007 - Stephen Cockburn
Winner Best in Section: Stephen Oversby-Powell
Winner Aileen Craigen Cup for Best Preserve: Rosalind McNamara
- Katie's carrot and pineappple cake - Rosemary Harding
- a banana loaf - Clare Johnson
- 3 blueberry muffins- Zoe Humphrey
- 3 decorated cup cakes - Clare Johnson
- 3 welsh cakes- Chris Buck
- 3 pieces refrigerator cake - Helen Rowe
- a treacle tart- Emilie Denyer
- A homemade traditional bread loaf (oven cooked) - Jennifer Constable
- 5 pieces of cinder toffee - Thomas Monteiro
- 1 jar of chutney any recipe (labelled) - Rosalind McNamara
- 1 jar of pickle any recipe (labelled) - Judith Broome
- 1 jar jam (labelled) - Jo Roche
- 1 jar fruit jelly (labelled) - Cian Burke
- 1 jar marmalade any flavour (labelled) - June Raeburn
- 1 bottle homemade beer or wine (labelled) - Stephen Oversby-Powell
- 1 bottle homemade fruit spirit (labelled) - Joy Oversby-Powell
Best in section: Jo Roche
- A knitted scarf - Judy Cockburn
- A handcrafted plate of food - Jo Roche
- A handmade greetings card - Anna Burke
- A handmade corsage - Jo Roche
- An item of embroidery - Dawn Hall
- Item in any other medium - Jane Sambrook
Best in section: Joachim Atkinson
- Portrait – any medium - Annabel Peters
- An abstract design – any medium - Klara Dowd
- Landscape – any medium - Jill Mantripp
- Still life - any medium - Jane Burke
- "Cuckfield 2012" - Jennie Meadows
- "Jubilee" - Joachim Atkinson
- "keep smiling" - Hamish Church
- "fur or feathers" - Joachim Atkinson
- "if you go down to the wooods today" - Diana Mackenzie
JUNIOR (2 age bands for each class: 5–8 & 9-12)
Best in section: Oliver Humphrey
- garden on a plate - Bethany Ellis and Saskia Monteiro
- 2 chocolate crispy cakes - Lucy Rowe and Louise Fletcher
- a 2D gingerbread house - Anna Church and Alfie Carrington
- A crown made from sweets or biscuits - Oliver Humphrey and Ben Fenner-Meadows
- A monster made from the contents of your recycling bin - Tabitha Woolcott and Evan Herbert
- A Lego vehicle - Jack Herbert and Evan Herbert
- A royal limmerick - Alex Harrison and Ben Fenner-Meadows
- A painting entitled The River - Eleanor Guthrie and Ben Eustace
- "500 years of Holy Trinity School" - Amelia Whiting
- " my family on holiday" - Alex Harrison and Emily Church
- "my favourite toy " - Evie Morris and Ben Fenner-Meadows
- A finger print flower - Molly Knapman
- A decorated wooden spoon - Olivia Ellis