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Saturday 12 September 2015
Winners of the 2015 show
Congratulations to Best in Show winner George Baty who retained the cup from 2014!
We would like to thank everyone who took part, visited, bought raffle tickets and baked cakes. Thanks also go to Bryan & Sue Mayou for hosting us, to all the businesses who sponsored classes, gave raffle prizes and placed adverts in the program, to the Archers & Train team and to the WI for manning the tea tent and providing cakes.>
Full results:
- Best in Section David Forth - 2 sweetcorn

- 6 Runner Beans - Jim Turnbull
- Longest runner bean - Jamie Hatton
- 6 french beans - Gordon Peters
- 4 white Potatoes - Andrew Burchill
- 4 coloured potatoes - George Baty
- Heaviest potato - Paddy Boyle
- Heaviest pumpkin - Paddy Boyle
- A pumpkin or squash - Holy Trinity Gardening Club
- 6 Cherry Tomatoes (red) - Richard Woods
- 6 cherry tomatoes (non red) - Mary Crouch
- 6 Tomatoes (non cherry) - Richard Woods
- Most unusual selection of tomatoes - Rebekah Panayides
- 2 beefsteak tomatoes - Margaret Reed
- Heaviest marrow - Caroline Brown
- 3 beetroot - Andrew Groom
- 3 chillies - Jem Lee
- 5 onions from either seed or sets, under 250g - P Alsford
- 3 onions from either seed or sets, over 250g - Jim Turnbull
- 6 Shallots - George Baty
- 3 leeks - George Baty
- Posy of mixed herbs judged for variety - Judy Cockburn
- Selection of home-grown vegetables - Chris Openshaw
- 2 sweetcorn - David Forth
- 2 cucumbers - Chris Openshaw
- 3 Courgettes - Jem Lee
- 3 carrots or parsnips - Jem Lee
- Unusual vegetable - Andrew Groom
- Selection of 4 different vegetables of the same colour - George Baty
- Most amusing vegetable - George Baty
- 3 dessert Apples - George Baty
- 3 cooking Apples - Rosemary Harding
- 5 stone fruit - Andrew Burchill
- Plate of soft fruit - George Baty
- A plate of exotic fruit - Jonathon Harding
- 3 Dahlia blooms - Cactus/semi cactus - Jo Roche
- 3 Dahlia blooms - any other variety - Jo Roche
- The single most fragrant rose - Les Parker
- 5 roses - Les Parker

- 3 hydrangea blooms - Andrew Burchill
- 3 blooms of autumn flowering bulbs -
- Mixed perennials - Claire Johnson
- Mixed annuals - Jo Roche
- Best in Section – Margaret Harrison Supermarket Sweep
- Supermarket Sweep - Margaret Harrison
- Rugby World Cup 2015 – for men only - George Baty
- Best in Section Emma Goslin, Fruit Jelly
- The Aileen Craigen Cup for Best Preserve – Alisa Burton, Jar of Jam

- The Katie Stewart Cup - Katie’s Chiffon Cake - Elaine Baty
- A jam filled swiss roll - Emilie Denyer
- 3 granola bars -
- 3 chocolate brownies - Abbie Vickery
- A vegetable cake, recipe to be displayed - Sally Forth
- An open glazed fruit tart using home made pastry -
- 2 chelsea buns - Carol Grossman
- 3 cheese scones. - Carolyn McIlvride
- A homemade white cottage loaf - Emilie Denyer
- 5 chocolate truffles - Carol Grossman
- 1 jar of chutney - Tanya Keiller
- 1 jar jam - Alisa Burton
- 1 jar fruit jelly - Emma Gosling
- 1 jar marmalade any flavour - Chris Openshaw
- 1 jar of any other preserve - Bridget Keates
- 1 bottle homemade beer or wine - Iain Pringle
- 1 bottle homemade fruit spirit - Margaret Reed
- Best in Section – Lisa Humphrey, a Soft Toy
- A covered cushion - Jo Roche
- A decorated embroidery hoop. - Jo Roche
- A crocheted mandala -
- An item in wood - Andrew Groom
- A soft toy in any medium - Lisa Humphrey
- A handmade Christmas card - Lavinia Wylie
- Any item in any medium - Lavinia Wylie
- Best in Section – Jo Roche, an Abstract Picture
- Portrait - Jill Mantrip
- An abstract design - Jo Roche
- Landscape - John Walkley
- Still life - Anthea McQueen
- Staycation - Jennie Meadows
- The Sussex Weald - Ann McMeikan
- selfie - Zoe Richings
- reflections - Joachim Atkinson
- candid camera - Elaine Baty
- Best in Section – Jessica Eaton, A Decorated Mad Hat

- A hedgerow in a jam jar - Lyra Hunt
- 3 pieces of coconut ice -
- A 2D gingerbread item of clothing -
- A home made fruit drink -
- A tree made from the contents of your recycling bin - Hermione Boyle
- My hamma* bead alien - Ella Boyle
- A limerick about childhood - Lyra Hunt
- A decorated mad hat -
- LOL - Emily Andrews
- selfie - Miles Roche
- BFF - Molly Andrews
- A hedgerow in a jam jar - Niamh Flynn
- 3 pieces of coconut ice - Kaia Hatton
- A 2D gingerbread item of clothing - Tabitha Keiller
- A home made fruit drink -
- A tree made from the contents of your recycling bin - Tabitha Keiller
- My hamma* bead alien - Molly Andrews
- A limerick about childhood - Hermione Boyle
- A decorated mad hat - Jessica Eaton
- LOL! -
- selfie - Jamie Heron-Smith
- BFF - Emily Andrews
- A painted pebble - Mia Hunt
- A space picture - Juliet Moss
- 3 egg victoria sandwich cake - Sophie Burton
- 3 pieces of shortbread - Holly Townsend
- a piece of art - Emily Andrews
- a piece of jewellery - Hermione Boyle