Saturday 13 September 2014
A beautiful Indian Summer Day brought visitors flocking to this year's show. Fresh from the excitement of watching the Tour of Britain zoom through the village at lunchtime, a wander round the show tent was a much more leisurely affair!
Congratulations to Best in Show winner George Baty who will have to share mantlepiece space for his trophy with wife Elaine as she won the Katie Stewart Cup for best gingerbread!
We would like to thank everyone who took part, visited, bought raffle tickets and baked cakes. Thanks also go to Bryan & Sue Mayou for hosting us, to all the businesses who sponsored classes, gave raffle prizes and placed adverts in the program and to Hamptons who sponsored the Show and helped on the day with raffle ticket sales. Plans are afoot for the next show and details will be coming soon.
Full results:
- Best in Section Jem Lee - a basket of vegetables

- 6 Runner Beans - Jim Turnbull
- Longest runner bean - Jim Turnbull
- 6 french beans - George Baty
- 4 white Potatoes - George Baty
- 4 coloured potatoes - Carolyn McIlvride
- Heaviest potato - Paddy Boyle
- Heaviest pumpkin - Caroline Brown
- A pumpkin or squash - Jonathon Harding
- 6 Cherry Tomatoes (red) - Jonathon Harding
- 6 cherry tomatoes (non red) - Rosemary Viccari
- 6 Tomatoes (non cherry) - Chris Openshaw
- Most unusual selection of tomatoes - Carolyn McIlvride
- 2 beefsteak tomatoes - Abbie Caidan
- Heaviest marrow - Bethany Ellis
- 3 beetroot - George Baty
- 3 chillies - Carol Grossman
- 5 onions from either seed or sets, under 250g - Jim Turnbull
- 3 onions from either seed or sets, over 250g - David Forth
- 6 Shallots - Gordon Peters
- 3 leeks - Claire Mitchell
- Posy of mixed herbs judged for variety - Judy Cockburn
- Selection of home-grown vegetables - Jem Lee
- 2 sweetcorn - June Raeburn
- 2 cucumbers - Jim Turnbull
- 3 Courgettes - Gordon Peters
- 3 carrots or parsnips - Phil Alsford
- Unusual vegetable - Laura Smith
- Selection of 4 different vegetables of the same colour - Jem Lee
- Most amusing vegetable - June Raeburn
- 3 dessert Apples - George Baty
- 3 cooking Apples - Jonathon Harding
- 5 stone fruit - no entries
- Plate of soft fruit - Bridget Keates
- A plate of exotic fruit - Jonathon Harding
- 3 Dahlia blooms - Cactus/semi cactus - Jo Roche
- 3 Dahlia blooms - any other variety - Claire Mitchell
- The single most fragrant rose - Bridget Keates
- 5 roses - Clare Johnson
- 3 hydrangea blooms - Rosemary Viccari
- Pot plant in flower - Rosemary Viccari
- Mixed perennials - Clare Johnson
- Mixed annuals - no entries
- Best in Section – Tamsin McGee A Door Wreath

- “Harvest” - Heather Smedley
- An arrangement in a shoe - Lin Wood
- A door wreath - Tamsin McGee
- “Brazil 2014” – for men only - Stephen Cockburn
- Best in Section - Claire Atkins, Viennese Fingers
- The Aileen Craigen Cup for Best Preserve – Caroline Brown, Green Tomato Chutney
- The Katie Stewart Cup - Katie’s Gingerbread - Elaine Baty
- A lemon drizzle cake - Zoe Humphrey
- 3 biscotti - Sandra Wiseman
- 3 decorated cup cakes - Tanya Keiller
- 3 piped, chocolate dipped Viennese biscuits - Claire Atkins
- 5 Cake Pops - Alison Reynolds
- 3 Florentines - Stephanie Gilpin
- 3 biscuits for cheese - Zoe Humphrey
- A homemade plaited bread loaf - Hamish Church
- 5 pieces of marshmallow - Zoe Humphrey
- 1 jar of chutney - Caroline Brown
- 1 jar of pickle - no entries
- 1 jar jam - Alisa Burton
- 1 jar fruit jelly - Catherine Ellis
- 1 jar marmalade - Trish Denyer
- 1 bottle homemade beer or wine - Hamish Church
- 1 bottle homemade fruit spirit - Paul Reynolds
- Best in Section - Jo Roche, a felted picture

- A knitted or crocheted blanket - Anne Morrison
- An apron with bib - Judy Cockburn
- 3 egg cosies - Judy Cockburn
- A handmade bookmark - Clu Wells
- A length of bunting - Lavinia Wylie
- An item of embroidery - Rosemary Viccari
- Any item in any medium - Jo Roche
- Best in Section - Hamish Church, “up,up and away” photo
- Portrait - no entries
- An abstract design - Den Jordan
- Landscape - Lin Wood
- Still life - George Baty
- “My family & other animals” - Tamsin McGee
- “Up, Up and Away” - Hamish Church
- “lest we forget” - Hamish Church
- “alphabet art” - Hamish Church
JUNIOR age 5 to 8
- Best in Section – Tabitha Keiller, recycling bin dinosaur

- An arrangement of weeds in jam jar - Tabitha Keiller & Niamh Flynn
- 2 iced fairy cakes - Alice Guthrie
- A 2D gingerbread monster - Kaia Hatton
- A pizza face - Claudia Reynolds
- A dinosaur made from the contents of your recycling bin - Tabitha Keiller
- A Lego space craft - James Harrison
- A limerick about my family - no entries
- A decorated child's t-shirt - Lyra Hunt
- “Look Out!” - no entries
- A fun day out - Jennifer Eustace
- My favourite place - Jennifer Eustace
JUNIOR age 9 to 12
- An arrangement of weeds in jam jar - Eleanor Guthrie & Bethany Ellis
- 2 iced fairy cakes - Harriet Pringle
- A 2D gingerbread monster - Sophie Burton
- A pizza face - Hermione Boyle
- A dinosaur made from the contents of your recycling bin - Saskia Monteiro
- A Lego space craft - Jamie Heron-Smith
- A limerick about my family - Saskia Monteiro
- A decorated child's t-shirt - Anna Church
- “Look Out!” - Archie Flynn
- A fun day out - Ben Eustace
- My favourite place - Ben Eustace
- A footprint face - Joseph Atkins
- A decorated crisp tube pencil pot. - Mia Hunt