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2007 Show Report

Saturday 8 September 2007

After a wash out of a summer, the sun finally shone last Saturday as villagers young and old turned out for the second Cuckfield Village Show.  With a wonderful display of produce, food, photos and many other items the show marquee proved to be a great spectacle, whilst outside the Mid Sussex Brass Band kept us entertained and the WI and Scouts kept us fed and watered!  As if that was not enough, there was also face painting, jam and plant stalls, a raffle and auction of produce.

Overall Best in Show was Jennifer Constable who won a silver trophy donated by the hosts of the show Sue & Bryan Mayou.  Classes ranged from the traditional horticultural such as heaviest pumpkin (a whopping 17lbs 6oz) and tomatoes (from those who hadn’t suffered from blight!), to junior classes which were very well entered; photography, the most popular; food & drink and crafts such as a knitted bag. Most surprising was the lack of entries into the floral art classes.  The men managed 6 entries for their class, but for a village with 2 flower clubs there was amazingly only one entrant in the other classes and although Diane produced some superb arrangements I’m sure she would have liked a little competition, so come on ladies, the challenge is out there!

The Cuckfield Society, who organised the whole event, would like to thank everyone involved in the day, especially all the judges who gave up their time and, most particularly Martin Ingebretsen who's announcements kept the day flowing and made the auction such a success



Best in Section – Jim Turnbull, 3 onions over 250g

  1. 6 Runner Beans – Jim Turnbull
  2. Longest runner bean – Jim Turnbull
  3. 3 Carrots – Britt Rice
  4. 6 Cherry Tomatoes – Aolfe Rice, aged 7
  5. 6 Tomatoes (non cherry) – Jennifer Constable
  6. Most unusual selection of tomatoes (max 6) – Carolyn McIlvride
  7. Heaviest marrow – 1st prize only – Mrs S Mulligan
  8. 3 parsnips – Britt Rice
  9. 3 chillies – Aolfe Rice, aged 7
  10. 5 onions from either seed or sets, under 250g (9oz) each – Jennifer Constable
  11. 3 onions from either seed or sets, over 250g (9oz) each – Jim Turnbull
  12. Posy of mixed herbs judged for variety – Judy Cockburn
  13. 2 Lettuces with roots – butterhead, Cos or Crisp  – Fred Bayfield
  14. Heaviest pumpkin – 1st prize only – Robin  Upton
  15. Ratatouille selection (onion, garlic, red pepper, aubergine, courgette, tomato, oregano) – minimum 3 items – Emma Gosling
  16. 1 Cabbage – Robin Whyte
  17. 3 Courgettes, not exceeding 15cm long – Jem Lee
  18. Unusual vegetable – Aolfe Rice, aged 7
  19. Selection of 4 different vegetables of the same colour – Britt Rice
  20. 4 white Potatoes – Fred Bayfield
  21. 4 coloured  potatoes – Britt Rice
  22. Most amusing vegetable – Britt Rice

  1. 3 dessert Apples – Jean Sedgley
  2. 3 cooking Apples – Robin Upton
  3. plate of soft fruit – Stephen Cockburn
  4. 5 Plums – Linda Dixon
  5. A plate of exotic fruit – Rosemary Harding

  1. one vase chrysanthemums, 3 blooms disbudded, any variety – Jim Turnbull
  2. one vase chrysanthemums, 3 stems spray, any variety
  3. 3 Dahlia blooms - Cactus/semi cactus – Diana Mackenzie
  4. 3 Dahlia blooms - pom pom/ball – Stephen Cockburn
  5. 3 Dahlia blooms - any other variety – Jim Turnbull
  6. 1 specimen Rose bloom – Lin Wood
  7. 3 Gladioli stems – Martin Buck
  8. Mixed perennials – 6 stems, not shrubs (minimum 3 varieties) – Mary Crouch
  9. Mixed annuals – 6 stems (minimum 3 varieties) – Jennifer Constable

Floral Art

Best in section – Diane Stenning, Autumn Shades

  1. Miniature floral arrangement not exceeding 10cm in any direction
  2. "Autumn Shades" – an arrangement of fresh material picked from the hedgerow or from own or a neighbour’s garden).  Maximum width 45cm – Diane Stenning
  3. Arrangement in a basket – Maximum 45cm in any direction – Diane Stenning
  4. "Spare time" (an arrangement depicting a hobby). Maximum width 45cm.
  5. "Cheers!" – for men only – an exhibit of foliage or flowers in a beer tankard.  Maximum width 30cm – Graham Hopkinson




Food and Drink

Best in section – Jane Burke, 3 shortbread pieces

  1. Jam filled Victoria sponge – 3 egg recipe – Jennifer Constable
  2. Family’s favourite biscuits – 5 on a plate (including recipe) – Alison Sinclair
  3. lemon drizzle cake to recipe given in schedule – Tessa Boyer
  4. 3 fruit scones on a plate – Diane Stenning
  5. 3 chocolate brownies on a plate – Matthew Oliver
  6. 3 Shortbread pieces on a plate – Jane Burke
  7. treacle tart using home made pastry – Barbara Hopkinson
  8. 4 cheese straws – Jennifer Constable
  9. 6 Chocolate truffles to recipe given in schedule – Jenny Spear
  10. 1 jar Chutney any recipe (labelled) – Matthew Oliver
  11. 1 jar Lemon curd (labelled) – Britt Rice
  12. 1 jar soft fruit jam (labelled)  Joan Sturt
  13. 1 jar fruit jelly (labelled) – Diane Stenning
  14. 1 jar marmalade any flavour (labelled) – Stephanie Gilpin
  15. 1 bottle home made cordial any flavour (labelled)


Best in section – Katherine Whyte, Counted Cross Stitch

  1. Counted cross stitch or embroidery item no bigger than 60cm – Katherine Whyte
  2. Piece of tapestry/needlepoint no bigger than 60cm – Jennifer Constable
  3. a knitted bag – any material, any design! – Judy Cockburn
  4. Item in any other medium no bigger than 75cm – Jude Burney
  5. Handmade greeting card max size A4 folded – Lavinia Wylie

Art and Photography

Best in section – John Walkley, Other landscape

  1. Animal portrait – any medium – Amanda Smith
  2. Sussex scene – any medium – John Walkley
  3. Other landscape – any medium – John Walkley
  4. Still life - any medium Barbara  Hopkinson
  5. Happy Holidays – Peter Burnell
  6. "Reflections" – Carolyn McIlvride
  7. "Global Warming" – Janet Bushby
  8. transport – Jo Roche
  9. Cuckfield Characters – Barbara Hopkinson


  1. Garden on a plate (maximum 25cm diameter) – Anna Burke, aged 9
  2. Garden on a plate (maximum 25cm diameter) – Emily Church, aged 5
  3. 3 chocolate cereal cakes in paper cases – Gabriel Moore, aged 6
  4. 3 chocolate cereal cakes in paper cases – Luke Mitchell, aged 9
  5. 3 Decorated biscuits – Julie Donders, aged 6
  6. Edible necklace (to be judged on appearance not taste!) – Alice Burke, aged 10
  7. Edible necklace (to be judged on appearance not taste!) – Tom Burnell, aged 8
  8. An animal made from vegetables (maximum size 20cm in any direction – Kieran Mulligan, aged 9
  9. An animal made from vegetables (maximum size 20cm in any direction – Aolfe Rice, aged 7
  10. painting (maximum size A4) – Aolfe Rice, aged 7
  11. painting (maximum size A4) – Anna Burke, aged 9
  12. "My favourite animal" – Kate Robinson, aged 6
  13. "My favourite animal" – Alice Burke, aged 10
  14. "Buildings" – Sebastian Moore, aged 8
  15. "Buildings" – Matthew Bowen, aged 10
  16. A clown’s face using a paper plate – Heather Gosling, aged 4
  17. An underwater picture – maximum size A4 (using any materials) – Harvey Roche, aged 4